HSLA ASTM A588 Grade C Steel Plate
ASTM A588 Grade C steel is high strength low alloy structural steel with atmospheric corrosion resistance. HSLA ASTM A588 Grade C steel is in the form of plates for specialized Strength applications.

The tensile strength of the A588 Grade C Steels is expressed in Newton per millimeters and it must be at-least 485 N/mm2 (MPa). The yield strength is minimum 345 N/mm2 (MPa). The minimum percentage ranges for elongation is 21%.
HSLA ASTM A588 Grade C Steel Plate Chemistry(%) by Weight:
Maximum percentage of Carbon (C) is 0.15
Maximum percentage of Silicon (Si) is 0.4
Maximum percentage of Manganese (Mn) is 1.35
Maximum percentage of Phosphorous (P) is 0.04
Maximum percentage of Sulphur (S) is 0.050
Maximum percentage of Copper (Cu) is 0.50
Maximum percentage of Nickel (Ni) is 0.50
Maximum percentage of Chromium (Cr) is 0.50
Maximum Percentage of Vanadium (V) is 0.10
HSLA ASTM A588 Grade C steel plate is mainly used for construction of tanks, containers, bridges, frame structures, vehicles, etc with the request of welded, bolted, etc. The material forms its own protective layer when exposed to atmospheric elements. Essentially, the top layer corrodes and protects the steel beneath it. The natural finish does not normally require any form of maintenance such as painting, which makes the material a highly cost effective alternative to other structural steels.
If you are looking for HSLA ASTM A588 Grade C steel plates stock in China, welcome to contact BEBON.