Differences Between Grades S355JR and S355MC
10mm thickness S355MC steel plate in under EN 10149-2. It is a Thermo-Mechanically rolled fine grained hot rolled weldable material. 10mm thick S355MC steel plates are suitable for cold forming. The 10mm thickness S355MC steel plate yield strength is 355MPa min.

Grade S355JR is not a replacement for S355MC; there are differences between the two callouts. S355JR is according to EN 10025 which receives mechanical figures with the elements in the steel, S355MC is a fine grain steel according to EN 10149 which receives its mechanical figures over a strong cooling after rolling (shock cooling). Material is would be better than to ASTM A572 Gr. 50; this is the closest American grade.
S355MC thermo-mechanically rolled steel plate has a very clean smooth surface finish for laser cutting; it can bend not giving up tension during processing, this could happen when using S355JR. S355MC material is not suited for areas with high continual heat; it will start losing its mechanical properties. In these applications S355JR is best used without losing mechanical properties. Grade S355MC will have excellent formability in the cold form, weld ability and impact strength.
Grade S355MC Steel Plate Typical Applications:
Truck chassis assemblies
Automotive industry
Earth moving machines
Farm machinery